Saturday, February 26, 2011

dreams into plans

Happy Saturday Friends!
Things are brewing on the FinkStudios front...2011 is looking to be a big year, 
can't wait to share it with you all.
Have a blessed weekend!

Friday, February 25, 2011

make all things new

Cabin fever is running deep through my veins this week. It's mid-February, and people (and by people, I'm referring to me, myself and I) are finding it harder to have patience with mr. winter.
Just the idea of spring gets me giddy with thoughts of sun-dresses and dinners on the patio...well-the patio may have to wait until summer, but just let me entertain myself. 
But forget the patio and sun-dresses and I'd be perfectly content with just seeing a little green instead of all this white that is covering the ground right now.
I love that spring brings new life, new growth, and makes all things new.

We will run to you, by Gungor
Create in me a clean heart, a clean heart
For I have turned my face from You
Teach us of Your ways oh God, oh God
For we have turned away from You
Lord have mercy

We will run to you, we will run to you
Turning from our sin we return to You
Father heal your world, make all things new
Make all things new
Your love and mercy build and shape us
Break us and recreate us now
Lord have mercy

Oh, bring us back to you

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Slow Motion

This weekend was just what I needed. It's as if the days went in slow motion, no set schedule, and doing only one thing at a time. I know- it sounds too simple, but I often find myself perfecting the art of multi-tasking to the point that I forget what it's like to simply do one thing. at. a. time. 

And while I'm great at checking things off my never-ending 'list', my mind is constantly wandering to my next 'to do' that I miss out on the present moment. Maybe that's why life felt as if it was moving in slow motion this weekend...because I focused on the present, and nothing beyond. My soul feels truly rested and ready for the days ahead.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Unexpected & Unknown

Husband and I had a free night many possibilities of what to do...and yet surprisingly we didn't fall into the 'what do you want to do?', 'I don't know, what do you want to do?' trap. After a coffee date & dinner, we ended the night with sneaking candy into the theater (yep-I'm one of those people) and seeing Unknown.
It was one of those unexpected nights without any set plans...perfect medicine after a hectic week. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Chill Fest 2011

We are still recovering from Chill Fest this past weekend. It proved once again to be an amazing weekend of leading students in the annual winter retreat.  

My apologies for the blog being a little quiet's the exact opposite of how life is going for us right now.
I'm determined to take a step back from life and regroup.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Just around the corner

It's Friday...finally.
Valentine's day is just around the corner, and while we usually don't do much, 
I'm determined to do something special for the mister this year.